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We’ve got you covered on your plans for growth

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(770) 615-6640

Hi there! My name is Chris Jarski, and I’m a med spa CPA and tax strategist who helps self-employed practitioners and med spa practice owners leverage their businesses to create lasting wealth.

I’m excited to speak with you and help you get clarity on how to increase your med spa practice’s profits and cash flow while minimizing taxes and risk.

If you feel like you might be paying too much in taxes, or if you feel like you’re working too hard for not enough money…

I might be able to save you tens of thousands of dollars and dozens of hours of your precious time in just one 30-minute phone call.

On this call, we will review your current business structure, tax strategy, and accounting and practice management systems to make sure that your med spa practice is operating efficiently and that you’re not wasting any of your hard-earned money.

This complimentary Profit & Cash Flow Analysis session has no obligation whatsoever, and I’ll hold nothing back. 

After discussing your business and goals, you’ll have complete clarity and peace of mind about where you stand and where you’re headed.

If you require my assistance in executing the plan we establish during our call, I’d be delighted to discuss working together. However, you don’t have to become my client to get significant value from our conversation.

If you want to take control of your financial future and keep more of your hard-earned money…

You can book your free Profit & Cash Flow Analysis session with me here.

We’ve got you covered on
your plans for growth